On your passenger's side
Back here again <////3
Back here again <////3
You'll be my heart's demise
You'll have it no other way
I love you
I can't tell you this
I can't tell you this
You'll be my hearts assassin
I know this because you've
come very close.
come very close.
I'm sitting on your right side
How fitting,
you're driving-
you're driving-
A reckless driver
Texting at the wheel
You could care less
You asked me here
I came here
I came here
My heart said yes
My head got dressed and put on
makeup unwillingly
makeup unwillingly
You pay me no mind
Texting her over and over
I see you
I see you
You're mad
You're fighting with her
I know all these things
I know all these things
I know you well
I can't say these things to you
I can't say these things to you
I can't show I care.
I can't tell you I dream of you and me
when our passion was lit like a wild fire
I can't tell you you....
(You turn to glance at me as I write these words feverishly)
...I sit quiet as you type away
Spilling your heart out to her
As I write this poem to you
A poem you'll never read
I touch your arm and neck
I caress you
I touch your arm and neck
I caress you
Attempting to soothe your pain
You don't touch me
You think my affection
is of another world
is of another world
I have grown and I know now
That I am just fine
This world accepts my loving nature
I am not strange
I am a lover
Dying to love you
You won't let me
You are confused
You might want to
You might not
You might have a grand plan
You might not have one at all
Your kiss is different
It is passionless
It is not that of a lover
Why have you asked me here
You asked to see me repeatedly
You take me to a home goods store to run errands-
playing husband n wife
You are selfish, yet you ask for nothing
You are selfish and return only the things that cost money
You are selfish, yet you don't want sex.
You want my heart.