Monday, June 22, 2009

Cattails in the wind

A predictable sequence of events
Were often asked to walk this line...
...well in the direction it is going,
of course.

This line is drawn
with much resistance and disappointment,
as we are governed by the cyclicality of our inescapable

It is often the humanness subconsciously
guiding us to cry to nature and wonder
by rivers that overflow with confusion.
Many measure the length of our strait legs,
while others notice the strait cattails bending in the wind

Inspired by "line", a prompt on Weekend Wordsmith

Photo by donsutherland1 on

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Blue sprouts

Humidity lurks at the surface
of thirsty pupils and suddenly


when blue buds
magically sprout

and then shoot
towards the powder blue sky

as magic dust does
from fairy wands

when a fairy demands romance
in a thunderstorm

Image by Peggy Collins at

Friday, January 30, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Winter rain

January 11, minutes before 2AM. The room is a shallow blue with areas of deep violet.My eyes dive and rise in the flickering street lights making reflections in the mirror on the opposite wall.

The sky rumbles. The radiator gurgles loudly in response. I can almost make out words. Is it English? No, definitely Russian. I whisper: yes.. come in

Rushing rain, there is a winter waterfall outside my window dragging loose pebbles. Tap, tap, tick. This room is a closed shell with pearl interiors.

A mermaid attempts to hibernate, but lies sleeplessly clutching dried starfish. In the ceiling I see the dark uncertainty of the deepest sea.

Photo by -Antoine- on flickr